Judge Anderson Year One Alec Worley 9781781085554 Books

Judge Anderson Year One Alec Worley 9781781085554 Books
Like the awesome Judge Dredd: Year One and Year Two novels, you are instantly transported into Mega City 1 - but instead of the hardline Dredd, you're dealing with the incredibly compassionate Judge Anderson. But don't mistake compassion for weakness; Anderson, though doubted by many, is every bit as ruthless as Judge Dredd himself when she has to be. The contrast in tone, style, and thinking between the lawman we know and love and Anderson gives new life to the series. Strongly recommend.
Tags : Judge Anderson: Year One [Alec Worley] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The untold story behind Mega-City One's most famous telepath and Judge Dredd partner, Judge Anderson,Alec Worley,Judge Anderson: Year One,Abaddon,1781085552,Media Tie-In,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,ENGLISH SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,FICTION Media Tie-In,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction General,Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,GENERAL,General Adult,Great BritainBritish Isles,Science fiction
Judge Anderson Year One Alec Worley 9781781085554 Books Reviews
Judge Anderson Year One by Alec Worley is a free NetGalley ebook that I read in early June.
A novella made up of short stories (about a deadly dating site called Meet Market that organizes deadly meetups, an anti-Judge group known as the Social Justice Commandos that plant a series of bombs among their Psych-Block, and a plotline with Westworld/Hills Have Eyes connotations), rather than the solo comicbook I expected, but it was still amply good.
Is it strange to request a book based on a comic that I've never read? I've also never seen any Judge Dredd movies. But I am aware of the concept and as a science fiction story I was very interested in reading this. The idea of a 'judge' with telepathic abilities is really intriguing to me.
Judge Anderson Year One is actually three novellas in one book (<em>Heartbreaker</em>, <em>The Abyss</em>, and <em>A Dream of the Nevertime</em>).
I enjoyed <em>Heartbreaker</em> the most of these three. As an introduction to this character of Judge Anderson, this was a great way to learn about her abilities and personality. The story was generally fine (a little more on the stories in a moment) and had plenty of action to keep the reader entertained.
<em>The Abyss</em> also had plenty of action but I started to get confused as to her status as Judge.
The last of these really did nothing for me. By this time I felt I understood the character as well as I was going to. I was really hoping for more of the character.
Which leads back to my thoughts on the stories.... Overall this was fine, but not in any way spectacular. This read like comic books/graphic novels without the art. They were full of adventure, but slow on character development. Characters develop in comics, but at a very slow pace and they tend to assume the reader already knows a fair amount about them. I was definitely hoping that since this was a novel (actually a collection of novellas) that we'd get more character-driven stories - dive into who this is - but we don't.
It wasn't a bad read, but I was definitely hoping for more.
Looking for a good book? <em>Judge Anderson Year One</em> by Alec Worley reads like a comic book without the art. It's full of action, but not much more. A good airplane read.
I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Like the awesome Judge Dredd Year One and Year Two novels, you are instantly transported into Mega City 1 - but instead of the hardline Dredd, you're dealing with the incredibly compassionate Judge Anderson. But don't mistake compassion for weakness; Anderson, though doubted by many, is every bit as ruthless as Judge Dredd himself when she has to be. The contrast in tone, style, and thinking between the lawman we know and love and Anderson gives new life to the series. Strongly recommend.

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