Vampire Blues Lian and Figg Book 2 eBook Stephany Simmons

Vampire Blues Lian and Figg Book 2 eBook Stephany Simmons
While "Vampire Blues" is a stand alone story, it would be better to read "Voodoo Dues" first so that you can better understand the character interactions.Lian and Figg are trying to get back to a normal life. However, one of their friends has become a waiter. The only problem is that Vampires have been dropping in and ordering food they don't eat. Intimidation seems to be the purpose, so he asks Lian to intercede for him with the local coven to see if they will stop. Figg wants to help too, yet somehow her help causes additional trouble.
"Vampire Blues" takes place a few weeks after the end of "Voodoo Dues". Lian and Figg are still trying to figure out if they have a relationship and it is made more difficult when their attention keeps being diverted by covens, packs, and other things that go bump in the night. Luckily Figg likes to carry things that go boom along with wearing her spikey heels. Luckier still Lian has some good contacts in out of the way places.
The pace is fast and furious with people's freedom and lives at stake. You will find action, romance, a hint of mystery and a slew of creatures.
The story is told in first person, alternating between Lian and Figg, luckily in this book the chapters are labeled. Sometimes it feels strange to so quickly change point of view, but overall I love the effect it has on the story.
I am now off to find the omnibus to read the new stories...
Voodoo Dues (Lian and Figg) Book 1
Voodoo Dues Companion (Lian and Figg) (cut bedroom scene from "Voodoo Dues"
Shotgun Rites (Lian and Figg Collection) Book 1,2,Companion and 2 additional shorts

Tags : Vampire Blues (Lian and Figg Book 2) - Kindle edition by Stephany Simmons. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Vampire Blues (Lian and Figg Book 2).,ebook,Stephany Simmons,Vampire Blues (Lian and Figg Book 2),FICTION Fantasy Contemporary,FICTION Fantasy Urban
Vampire Blues Lian and Figg Book 2 eBook Stephany Simmons Reviews
Vampire Blues was even better than the first book in the series. Once I started reading this book I didn't put it down until I was finished.
Lian and Figg are at it again but instead of zombies, this time they have to deal with the local vampire coven. When Figg has to save Lian after he goes to see the covens master alone, Figg has to save Lian's life which ends up getting her framed for the vampire massacre that ensues after their escape. Now with Figg in trouble with both the cops and the vampires they have to find out who actually killed all the vampires.
Once again Stephany wrote a great story with all the same great characters from Voodoo Dues plus a few new ones. In Vampire Blues we get a few more supernatural creatures, more romance, more action and even more laugh out loud moments.
Although the first one wasn't bad. Again, it's a lighthearted Paranormal with good plot action. The characters are interesting, and in this second book, the romance between Figg and Lian heats up.
This one was even shorter than Book One, and I'm still of the belief that they would be improved by being full length novels. I would also like to see the pair actual work for their livings, instead of being independently rich. Perhaps in detective or security positions, which would still enable them to help their supernatural friends.
I felt like the first book was OK, but personally enjoyed this one a little more. 3-3 4 Stars for me.
I really enjoyed this follow up to Voodoo Dues. Both novellas are fun, quick reads! A lot is packed into these pages due to a direct writing style that keeps this very entertaining story moving along quickly. A satisfying ending with no big cliffhangers (Yay!) still manages to leave you wanting more! And hopefully soon!?
I really like the main characters, and admit to a little crush on Lian! He's not the big, me Tarzan you Jane, kind of guy... He's attractive in a more "buttoned up" way... a well-schooled and respected anthropologist, who loves books & research, and has a personal interest in everything supernatural as a result of a horrific werewolf attack. No, he didn't turn, but took a couple of years to fully recover. Other than the attack, the fact he's from Ireland, comes from big money, and wants nothing to do with his mother, he and his past are very mysterious & intriguing (he even changed his last name...hummm?)
Then there's Eleanor Figg.... Figg is a great character also and Lian's polar opposite. She's feisty with little to no higher education, but definitely street smart, knows how to use her looks and a gun...definitely not "buttoned up"! He often has to reel her in, and she has to give him a little prodding, but the attraction is undeniable.
Set in a town in Texas, the last book dealt with voodoo and zombies. This one introduces us to the vampire & shapeshifter communities, after Figg & Lian find themselves in the middle of another supernatural mess. Great secondary characters too!
One thing to note this story, like the first, goes back and forth with Figg & Lian's POV. I like the way its handled much better in this book...the POV being clearly indicated with each chapter made for an easier read - less challenging than the first book. And last but not least, not only is it well written but it's well edited. I really appreciate the efforts of indie authors to entertain us with their stories, but with some you just have to overlook the missed edits and typos. Ms. Simmons has done a great job with story and presentation! I can't wait for the next....hope she can write fast without sacrificing quality!!
While "Vampire Blues" is a stand alone story, it would be better to read "Voodoo Dues" first so that you can better understand the character interactions.
Lian and Figg are trying to get back to a normal life. However, one of their friends has become a waiter. The only problem is that Vampires have been dropping in and ordering food they don't eat. Intimidation seems to be the purpose, so he asks Lian to intercede for him with the local coven to see if they will stop. Figg wants to help too, yet somehow her help causes additional trouble.
"Vampire Blues" takes place a few weeks after the end of "Voodoo Dues". Lian and Figg are still trying to figure out if they have a relationship and it is made more difficult when their attention keeps being diverted by covens, packs, and other things that go bump in the night. Luckily Figg likes to carry things that go boom along with wearing her spikey heels. Luckier still Lian has some good contacts in out of the way places.
The pace is fast and furious with people's freedom and lives at stake. You will find action, romance, a hint of mystery and a slew of creatures.
The story is told in first person, alternating between Lian and Figg, luckily in this book the chapters are labeled. Sometimes it feels strange to so quickly change point of view, but overall I love the effect it has on the story.
I am now off to find the omnibus to read the new stories...
Voodoo Dues (Lian and Figg) Book 1
Voodoo Dues Companion (Lian and Figg) (cut bedroom scene from "Voodoo Dues"
Shotgun Rites (Lian and Figg Collection) Book 1,2,Companion and 2 additional shorts

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