A Perfect Ten Forbidden Men Book 5 edition by Linda Kage Literature Fiction eBooks

A Perfect Ten Forbidden Men Book 5 edition by Linda Kage Literature Fiction eBooks
This book was so much better than I thought it would be! I'm not going to lie, as much as I love Ten, I was worried about reading his book due to his man-whore ways. Boy, was I worried for nothing!Ten did a complete 180 when it came to Caroline - he loved her so fiercely and changed everything about his lifestyle for her, without question mind you. He wanted to be with her and once they were finally on the same page that was it - they were together. When they moved in together he didn't have any regrets or second thoughts, it was natural for him. And, of course, who doesn't love his comments? I love his humor.
I absolutely loved this story, I had been waiting for it for so long since I was interested to see how it would play out. Ever since I read Noel Gamble's book I knew this couple would eventually be together. And Caroline? She was one of my favorite heroines of all time. She pushed past her comfort zone and just went for her man, She knew they were meant to be together and she didn't let any one or any thing get in her way. You go girl!
What I didn't like about this book: Noel's reaction to Caroline and Ten's relationship. Not cool. I don't want to spoil things for any one but he could have been so much more supportive. On the other hand, he's her older brother who basically raised her so I can understand his protectiveness. But, I still have to defend my boy Ten!
I loved this entire series so far and I would highly recommend all of these books. But, in the event that you are unable to get your hands on all of the books you must read A Perfect Ten and Be My Hero (Ten and Pick, respectively). Pick is a must read though - oh, how I love Pick.
This review may also be found on my blog - <a href="http://www.bookpotato.blogspot.com/">The Book Potato</a>

Tags : A Perfect Ten (Forbidden Men Book 5) - Kindle edition by Linda Kage. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading A Perfect Ten (Forbidden Men Book 5).,ebook,Linda Kage,A Perfect Ten (Forbidden Men Book 5),Linda Kage,FICTION Coming of Age,FICTION Romance Contemporary
A Perfect Ten Forbidden Men Book 5 edition by Linda Kage Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I loved loved loved this book! Ten and Caroline's story was the best thing I've read in a while. It was so complete and perfect! It was a little bit of everything but in perfects parts. I read this after reading 3 consecutive DNFs and this was just so good to read! I'm hooked! Ten was so crush-worthy and Caroline was a girl protagonist who wasn't annoying, which is a rare thing. Loved reading from both of their POVs. It was dirty, sexy, cool and loving oh and humorous (but not forced). I teared up a lot but not because it was sad or mushy or anything but because it's exactly how I would want to be treated like a guy. Omg TEN was EVERYTHING! They didn't cheat on each other, they weren't frustrating. There wasn't any cliche or typical angst or drama for absolutely no reason. I loved this 200%! Can't wait until I forget about this a little to re-read it!
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - There has been a slow build for Ten & Caroline over the past few books. How could a girl capture Ten's attention & how in the world is Ten going to stop his piggish behavior to settle down? We've seen glimpses of their mutual attraction as well as the protectiveness that Ten has shown while trying desperately to stay away from Caroline as Noah requested. Ten has even gone so far as to blow Caroline off when she's tried to kiss him. Caroline overhears some girls talking about Ten's odd bedroom behavior & a plan hatches to join Ten in his bedroom, give both of them what they're dying for, & Ten will never know it's her. Due to his odd birthmark, down there no less, & his past experience with girls freaking out about it, he needs all action to be done with the dark. But come on, Caroline has gorgeous hair, she smells fantastic, she calls him Oren for goodness sake - and this is the woman he's dreamed of sleeping with!! Of course Ten's encounter with the Midnight Visitor is beyond any sexual experience he's ever had & it doesn't take long before he figures out who Caroline is. "Every time with you is better than the last. God, Caroline, you own me!" THIS is what I've been waiting for, Ten to quit being a manwhore & admit that Caroline is perfect for him. There are tons of issues standing in their way - Noah is the biggest, Oren is graduating & looking for a permanent job in another state, Caroline had a bad experience with being a boy's dirty secret & doesn't deserve to be hidden away. In the end there is a traumatic event that forces these friends to figure out what is truly important & it solidifies that Oren is the real deal - a gorgeous man, loyal & true friend, passionate lover, and an overall good guy. Caroline was a pleasant surprise because she has guts, she is clever & funny & horny for Oren! ) On a sexuality scale they are a great match there because they are always all over each other. Caroline fights to reconcile Ten's past but in the end she knows that she is a game changer for Oren, that he never treated women as more than a sex toy because that was all he had to give. My favorite moment is when Caroline is sick & Oren can't stay away from her, sneaking in her window, taking care of her. He doesn't want to leave her in the morning & whispers his first "Love you" - it is just a real honest moment from a guy who has changed to be a better man for the woman he adores. Even when Pick accuses Ten of messing around with Caroline Ten makes sure Pick knows, "She means f&&cking everything to me!" Awesome story, loved all of these characters!
This book was so much better than I thought it would be! I'm not going to lie, as much as I love Ten, I was worried about reading his book due to his man-whore ways. Boy, was I worried for nothing!
Ten did a complete 180 when it came to Caroline - he loved her so fiercely and changed everything about his lifestyle for her, without question mind you. He wanted to be with her and once they were finally on the same page that was it - they were together. When they moved in together he didn't have any regrets or second thoughts, it was natural for him. And, of course, who doesn't love his comments? I love his humor.
I absolutely loved this story, I had been waiting for it for so long since I was interested to see how it would play out. Ever since I read Noel Gamble's book I knew this couple would eventually be together. And Caroline? She was one of my favorite heroines of all time. She pushed past her comfort zone and just went for her man, She knew they were meant to be together and she didn't let any one or any thing get in her way. You go girl!
What I didn't like about this book Noel's reaction to Caroline and Ten's relationship. Not cool. I don't want to spoil things for any one but he could have been so much more supportive. On the other hand, he's her older brother who basically raised her so I can understand his protectiveness. But, I still have to defend my boy Ten!
I loved this entire series so far and I would highly recommend all of these books. But, in the event that you are unable to get your hands on all of the books you must read A Perfect Ten and Be My Hero (Ten and Pick, respectively). Pick is a must read though - oh, how I love Pick.
This review may also be found on my blog - <a href="http//www.bookpotato.blogspot.com/">The Book Potato</a>

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