Dragonfly eBook Leigh Talbert Moore

Dragonfly eBook Leigh Talbert Moore
Dragonfly by Leigh Talbert MooreAnna, Jack, and Julian and really a ton more..
5 Stars
So this is another one of those books I came across over the holidays that was free. I think it still is, but now that I've come to the end of this one and realized it's a cliffy, I looked up the next one Undertow and found out you can buy the whole box set (4 books) for $9.99 on Amazon. Not sure how long that sale is for, but it's worth it, pick it up NOW!!!
I was a little put off at first as this seemed to be a YA book and I'm not really into those, but the storyline hooked me almost immediately and low and behold it's really a New Adult kinda book... Yeay!!!
Anna is one leading female character that I really connected with. She's smart, she's beautiful in a natural way, and her heart is pure. She's struggling with her BFF moving away, a close guy friends who kind of wants more, and a rich hottie that she thinks she wants, but after being pushed and pulled by him, she's not so sure.
Jack is the rich boy and Julian is the old friend. I love both in a different way and at this point I'm not so sure who I want Anna to end up with. These two are so much alike, but both have unique qualities that draw Anna in and out of the "boyfriend" realm.
There is so much going on in this story and from just reading the first book, I'm jonesing for more... Secrets are being revealed, hearts are breaking, and tempers are flairing. I can't wait to dive into the next installment.
The story line is intriguing and the writing style is good. The dialogue flows nicely and the pacing is just right. I highly recommend this series.

Tags : Dragonfly - Kindle edition by Leigh Talbert Moore. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Dragonfly.,ebook,Leigh Talbert Moore,Dragonfly,FICTION Romance Contemporary
Dragonfly eBook Leigh Talbert Moore Reviews
I ‘m a huge fan of LTM and it all started with this book. Really all her books are great though. This series is deep, poignant and intense. Her writing really catches the teenager wishy washy feelings and ever changing desires.
Anna is a superb character. She has depth, a rare and mature understanding of how the world works combined with an insatiable curiosity, making journalism a great choice for a career. She never really made having a relationship a priority, always preferring to prepare for her future. And I love that about her, because that’s how I was in HS as well. I didn’t want an SO holding me back from doing the things I wanted to to. And it’s most likely why I can relate to her so much.
Jack is….not one of my favorite characters. He is arrogant and overbearing, putting himself first a lot in this book. Even at the expense of Anna’s feelings. It made me hard to like him or to understand Anna’s obsession with him. Yes, I say obsession because she was like an addict looking for a hit around him. No shame, it was almost embarrassing to read.
And then we come to Julian. Ah Julian, even his name is wonderful. He was like the epitome of the perfect guy. Laid back and easy going, except when it came to his passion, making art. And understanding without coming off as clingy either, a hard balance to maintain. He wanted more than physical, he wanted to know her. Which says a lot about him as a person. Heck, that’s a great story on its own, but then throw in the twist and you have a wonderfully layered and deep plot. I enjoyed it more the second time around.
I really had no expectations for Dragonfly, but I was hoping it would surprise me. Well, it didn't. I was bored from the beginning, figured out the twist way before the amateur sleuth (aka wannabe journalist) main character, and then had to wonder why any of this was her business and what it had to do with anything at all! It all starts when a super rich family moves back to town. Lucy and Jack are twins, and Anna is immediately intrigued by them. Of course, she becomes fast friends with Lucy, and catches the eye of Jack. But then things happen to rip them apart, but not really, but kind of. Then Anna gets caught up in family secrets while interning at the local newspaper.
Dragonfly started off choppy. It just felt like random scenes of Anna hanging out with all of the important characters. Sometimes she's with Lucy, talking about her brother. Other times she's with Julian, and they playfully flirt. Then she's making out with Jack. Then she's talking to her mom, or some other minor character. It's just really boring. Then it turns annoying when Jack randomly breaks up with Anna, but then keeps showing up and inviting her on dates, but making it clear that they're not together, but they're making out. Then she's making out with Julian, and doesn't know who she wants to be with, even though only one of them wants to be with her. And by the end, I have no idea who she's into, or who she's with or not with.
The mystery plot of Dragonfly was really dull and out of place. It's obvious that there's something weird about Lucy and Jack's father (and probably their older brother, too). And their disappearance and return to the area was under suspicious circumstances, which come out fairly early thanks to small town gossip. But the main mystery winds up being about their father, and it's super duper obvious, although the reasons behind it haven't been revealed yet. And frankly, I don't actually care why he's doing or not doing what he should be, because no excuse would make sense.
In fact, there are a few things throughout Dragonfly that simply don't make sense. The one that bugged me the most was when a bunch of the local teens were hanging out watching their football star show off his new Camaro. It kind of reminded me of that scene in Grease. But anyway, he crashes along with Julian, so the cops are on their way. What does Jack do? He gives Anna the keys to his car so she can drive herself and their friend home so they won't get in trouble for underage drinking. Um what?! Wouldn't it be worse for her to get pulled over for drunk driving?! Or what if she got into an accident?! This coming from someone who, as far as he knows, mother was killed in a car crash possibly caused by drugs or alcohol.Uh huh, right.
Dragonfly failed to impress me at all. And by the end, nothing at all is resolved. Yes, it's a series, but instead of feeling like a first book, it felt like the first part of the first book, since it just ends in what feels like the middle. I have no intention of reading the next one to see what happens, since I have no kind of investment or interest in these characters, or their problems which Anna somehow thinks is her business just because she's making out with the sons of the people she's "investigating."
Dragonfly by Leigh Talbert Moore
Anna, Jack, and Julian and really a ton more..
5 Stars
So this is another one of those books I came across over the holidays that was free. I think it still is, but now that I've come to the end of this one and realized it's a cliffy, I looked up the next one Undertow and found out you can buy the whole box set (4 books) for $9.99 on . Not sure how long that sale is for, but it's worth it, pick it up NOW!!!
I was a little put off at first as this seemed to be a YA book and I'm not really into those, but the storyline hooked me almost immediately and low and behold it's really a New Adult kinda book... Yeay!!!
Anna is one leading female character that I really connected with. She's smart, she's beautiful in a natural way, and her heart is pure. She's struggling with her BFF moving away, a close guy friends who kind of wants more, and a rich hottie that she thinks she wants, but after being pushed and pulled by him, she's not so sure.
Jack is the rich boy and Julian is the old friend. I love both in a different way and at this point I'm not so sure who I want Anna to end up with. These two are so much alike, but both have unique qualities that draw Anna in and out of the "boyfriend" realm.
There is so much going on in this story and from just reading the first book, I'm jonesing for more... Secrets are being revealed, hearts are breaking, and tempers are flairing. I can't wait to dive into the next installment.
The story line is intriguing and the writing style is good. The dialogue flows nicely and the pacing is just right. I highly recommend this series.

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