Splintered Splintered Series #1 A G Howard Books

Splintered Splintered Series #1 A G Howard Books
Splintered was deliciously dark and descriptive. I had no problem imagining Wonderland as Alyssa (best name ever, am I right?) experienced it. Howard walks the reader through a vibrant world with characters that stay with you long past the last page.Let’s get into those characters, shall we? First there is Alyssa, descendent of Alice (yes, the Alice) who is facing her own issues back in the real world. First off, her mom is in a mental hospital because she hears and talks to bugs and plants. The bigger issue here is that Alyssa can also hear these voices and her biggest fear is that she will end up just like her mother and be locked away awaiting shock therapy treatments. Then there is the normal teenage issues that we are all familiar with, she has a secret crush on her best friend, Jeb. Jeb is a sort of bad boy artist with a labret piercing and serious mechanic skills, he also feels as if it is his duty to protect Alyssa from all things, and though endearing, she doesn’t always love this about him. Finally, there is Morpheus. Oh Morpheus how do I even begin to describe you? Morpheus has a few forms but in a nutshell he is a fantastical, blue haired, brooding bad ass with a killer set of wings that can both fly you into the starlight and keep you warm if you’re feeling chilly. I bet you guys sense a love triangle happening here, and I can’t lie, it’s a biggie.” I was super CONFLICTED while reading this and there were many texts to my girls stating “I love the pierced one again,” and “OMG he has wings!” Honestly, after finishing the book I still don’t know how I am feeling or who I love more, I think I am happy with the ending but then I obsess a bit more and I just don’t know! *sigh* But guys, I can’t lie to you, it was worth it because these were some of the best KISSY SCENES I have read in a while. Seriously I WANT MOAR PLEASE!
“I hate you," I say, the sentiment muffled against his heart, hoping to make it true.
"And I love you," he answers without hesitation, voice resolved and raw as he holds me tighter so I can't break away and react. "A crossroads, my beautiful princess, that was unavoidable—given our situations.”
I loved what Howard did with the secondary characters; they are turned from happy and whimsical beings to dark and frightening creatures. The White Rabbit is now Rabid White, Tweedle Dee and Dum are now grotesque female keepers of lost souls, The Mad Hatter literally becomes his work and you learn a little bit about the Queen of Hearts and why she became so bitter. “Off with her head!” has found new meaning in this debut novel.
I recommend this book to those of you looking for a new twist on a childhood tale, more reminiscent of Tim Burton than Lewis Caroll. It was adventurous, romantic and all together mad.

Tags : Amazon.com: Splintered (Splintered Series #1) (9781419704284): A. G. Howard: Books,A. G. Howard,Splintered (Splintered Series #1),Harry N. Abrams,1419704281,Fairy Tales & Folklore - Adaptations,Fantasy - General,Blessing and cursing,Blessing and cursing;Fiction.,Characters and characteristics in literature,Characters in literature,Characters in literature;Fiction.,Hargreaves, Alice Pleasance Liddell,JUVENILE FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore Adaptations,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION General,Mental illness,Mothers and daughters,Paranormal fiction,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,General fiction (Children's Teenage),JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore Adaptations,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION General,Young Adult FictionFairy Tales & Folklore - Adaptations,Fantasy & Magic,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fairy Tales & Folklore Adaptations,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION General,Young Adult FictionFairy Tales & Folklore - Adaptations,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),General fiction (Children's Teenage)
Splintered Splintered Series #1 A G Howard Books Reviews
So, I’m a chain reader, inhaling novels and non-fiction at a rate that would land me in a 12-step program, except that I can totally reform whenever I want, I just don’t, you know, want to.
That being said, I devoured this piece of utter perfection in less than 24 hours nor withstanding the insanity of my #momlife.
Ms Howard’s “Splintered” is so. Amazingly. Brilliant.
It is in an entire stratosphere all its own.
It’s evocative, addictive, visceral, beyond compelling.
The richness of the textures that Ms. Howard has woven into this insanely spectacular tapestry reads like a clear, fully formed movie in the reader’s mind.
No spoilers, I’d never do that.
Just, trust.
Of the hundreds and hundreds of books I’ve read, this is the all time winner.
The only bad thing is that I feel impelled to pause between finishing book 1 & beginning book 2 to share this immaculate discovery with the Universe.
Sorry, can’t say more, jonesing for page one of “Unhinged”.
Ciao Bella!
And nd happiest reading EVER!
Retelling of Alice in Wonderland stories have always been intriguing to me and with the cover art on this book, it was a must read for me. I wish I had read this sooner! I have been dying to read this book for a long time but I finally did it because of the #BeatTheBacklist challenge that I am participating in. I am happy that I added this book to the challenge because it has been taunting me from my .
I was so surprised by how much I liked this book and how much it made me think! My brain was constantly thinking about this story and what was happening, what was going to happen, what the characters were doing, etc. The world building and character development was so wonderfully done that if not for having more books to read on my backlist, I would have picked up the next book immediately! Basically this is a dissection of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. The Lewis Carroll version is so trippy and doesn’t make a lot of sense sometimes. But A.G. Howard took care of that and wrote what she thought he was actually talking about. It changed how I have viewed the story in the past and makes so much more sense! I may actually add the next books to my backlist (if they aren't on my TBR) so that I can read them now.
This was my first A.G. Howard book but it definitely won't be my last. I will be checking out the other books outside of this series as well.
Splintered was deliciously dark and descriptive. I had no problem imagining Wonderland as Alyssa (best name ever, am I right?) experienced it. Howard walks the reader through a vibrant world with characters that stay with you long past the last page.
Let’s get into those characters, shall we? First there is Alyssa, descendent of Alice (yes, the Alice) who is facing her own issues back in the real world. First off, her mom is in a mental hospital because she hears and talks to bugs and plants. The bigger issue here is that Alyssa can also hear these voices and her biggest fear is that she will end up just like her mother and be locked away awaiting shock therapy treatments. Then there is the normal teenage issues that we are all familiar with, she has a secret crush on her best friend, Jeb. Jeb is a sort of bad boy artist with a labret piercing and serious mechanic skills, he also feels as if it is his duty to protect Alyssa from all things, and though endearing, she doesn’t always love this about him. Finally, there is Morpheus. Oh Morpheus how do I even begin to describe you? Morpheus has a few forms but in a nutshell he is a fantastical, blue haired, brooding bad ass with a killer set of wings that can both fly you into the starlight and keep you warm if you’re feeling chilly. I bet you guys sense a love triangle happening here, and I can’t lie, it’s a biggie.” I was super CONFLICTED while reading this and there were many texts to my girls stating “I love the pierced one again,” and “OMG he has wings!” Honestly, after finishing the book I still don’t know how I am feeling or who I love more, I think I am happy with the ending but then I obsess a bit more and I just don’t know! *sigh* But guys, I can’t lie to you, it was worth it because these were some of the best KISSY SCENES I have read in a while. Seriously I WANT MOAR PLEASE!
“I hate you," I say, the sentiment muffled against his heart, hoping to make it true.
"And I love you," he answers without hesitation, voice resolved and raw as he holds me tighter so I can't break away and react. "A crossroads, my beautiful princess, that was unavoidable—given our situations.”
I loved what Howard did with the secondary characters; they are turned from happy and whimsical beings to dark and frightening creatures. The White Rabbit is now Rabid White, Tweedle Dee and Dum are now grotesque female keepers of lost souls, The Mad Hatter literally becomes his work and you learn a little bit about the Queen of Hearts and why she became so bitter. “Off with her head!” has found new meaning in this debut novel.
I recommend this book to those of you looking for a new twist on a childhood tale, more reminiscent of Tim Burton than Lewis Caroll. It was adventurous, romantic and all together mad.

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